Meyer UPA2C


UPA-2CDesigned for a wide variety of soundreinforcement applications, the compact,arrayable UPA-2C allows for controlledcoverage of wide areas in theater, club andconcert sound reinforcement. The powerfulloudspeaker delivers high sound pressurelevels with extremely low distortion, formaximum intelligibility and fidelity.The biamplified UPA-2C consists ofaproprietary 12-inch low-frequency conedriver in a vented enclosure with a 45-degree high-frequency asphericalwaveguide and driver. This configurationoffers exceptional directional control forextremely smooth arraying characteristics,UltraSeries™Loudspeakerand is particularly advantageous inreverberant environments where reflectedenergy must be minimized.The rugged, multiple-ply hardwoodcabinet enclosure is fitted with handlesand, optionally, aircraft-style rigging panfittings or threaded nut plates.The UPA-2C requires a high-qualityprofessional stereo power amplifier capableof delivering 350 watts/channel continu-ously into 8 ohms, with a signal voltagegain of 10dB (minimum) to 30 dB (maxi-mum).

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UPA-2CDesigned for a wide variety of soundreinforcement applications, the compact,arrayable UPA-2C allows for controlledcoverage of wide areas in theater, club andconcert sound reinforcement. The powerfulloudspeaker delivers high sound pressurelevels with extremely low distortion, formaximum intelligibility and fidelity.The biamplified UPA-2C consists ofaproprietary 12-inch low-frequency conedriver in a vented enclosure with a 45-degree high-frequency asphericalwaveguide and driver. This configurationoffers exceptional directional control forextremely smooth arraying characteristics,UltraSeries™Loudspeakerand is particularly advantageous inreverberant environments where reflectedenergy must be minimized.The rugged, multiple-ply hardwoodcabinet enclosure is fitted with handlesand, optionally, aircraft-style rigging panfittings or threaded nut plates.The UPA-2C requires a high-qualityprofessional stereo power amplifier capableof delivering 350 watts/channel continu-ously into 8 ohms, with a signal voltagegain of 10dB (minimum) to 30 dB (maxi-mum).

UPA-2CDesigned for a wide variety of soundreinforcement applications, the compact,arrayable UPA-2C allows for controlledcoverage of wide areas in theater, club andconcert sound reinforcement. The powerfulloudspeaker delivers high sound pressurelevels with extremely low distortion, formaximum intelligibility and fidelity.The biamplified UPA-2C consists ofaproprietary 12-inch low-frequency conedriver in a vented enclosure with a 45-degree high-frequency asphericalwaveguide and driver. This configurationoffers exceptional directional control forextremely smooth arraying characteristics,UltraSeries™Loudspeakerand is particularly advantageous inreverberant environments where reflectedenergy must be minimized.The rugged, multiple-ply hardwoodcabinet enclosure is fitted with handlesand, optionally, aircraft-style rigging panfittings or threaded nut plates.The UPA-2C requires a high-qualityprofessional stereo power amplifier capableof delivering 350 watts/channel continu-ously into 8 ohms, with a signal voltagegain of 10dB (minimum) to 30 dB (maxi-mum).