This is the full list of microphones in our stock
Here goes…
Beyer M 69
Beyer M201
Shure PE9L
Audix M1245
Fostex M120
Shure 565SD
Audix ADX20-iP
Neumann KM 140
Neumann KM 184
Neumann U89iMT
Neumann KMR 81i
Neumann KMR 82i
Audix D2 "Toms"
Audix i5
Shure BETA 98D/S
TOA PM600U Paging microphone
Neumann TLM 103 mt
Royer R 122 Ribbon microphone
Shure SM58
AKG C402B Cardioid Miniature
AKG C408B Hyper Cardioid Miniature
AKG C414 BXLS w/- bass cut
AKG C414 EB w/- bass cut
AMIS AMX526 Desk Paging microphone (switched)
Audio Technica AE5100 Artist Elite
Audio Technica ATM350 clip-on
Audio Technica ATM83G Cardioid Stalk microphone
Audio Technica PRO8HE Head-worn Hyper microphone
Audix D4 "Floor Tom" microphone
Audix D6 "Kick Drum" microphone
Audix M44B Drum Percussion microphone
Audix TR40 instrumentation microphone
B&K 4006 Omni Condenser microphone
B&K 4007 Omni Condenser microphone
Beyer M 88 TG Dynamic microphone
Beyer M160N(C) Dynamic microphone
Clio Audiomatica Electret Analyser microphone
Crown PCC-160 Boundary microphone
Crown PZM-30GPB PZM microphone
DPA 4007 Omni Condenser microphone
DPA DP4090 Miniature Omni microphone
Electrovoice PL77 Condenser Cardioid hand mic
Neumann KMi 84
Neumann TLM 170i
Neumann U87A iMT
Optogate PB-05 Automatic microphone Switch
Schoeps CCM5 cw MK4 (& MK21wide) Cardioid microphone Capsules
Schoeps MK8 Figure 8 microphone Capsule
Schoeps COlette series extension tubes (700 & 1200mm)
Sennheiser BF5032P Condenser microphone
Sennheiser BF504 Dynamic Cardioid microphone
Sennheiser BF5048P microphone ~JPH
Sennheiser Black Fire 512 Dynamic Cardioid microphone
Sennheiser Black Fire 541 microphone
Sennheiser e604 Dynamic Cardioid microphone
Sennheiser e609 Dynamic microphone
Sennheiser E825S Dynamic vocal microphone
Sennheiser E835S Dynamic vocal switched microphone
Sennheiser E845 Dynamic Vocal microphone
Sennheiser E845S Dynamic Vocal switched microphone
Sennheiser MD421-HL Dynamic microphone
Sennheiser MD421-U4 Dynamic microphone
Sennheiser MD431U Dynamic microphone
Sennheiser MD441U3 Dynamic microphone
Sennheiser MD918 UT microphone
Sennheiser ME104 Cardioid Miniature microphone
Sennheiser MKE4032U Condenser microphone
Sennheiser MKH30 Condenser microphone
Sennheiser MKH40 Condenser microphone
Sennheiser MKH50-PU3 Condenser microphone
Sennheiser MKH80-PU3 Condenser microphone
Sennheiser MKH800-PU3 Condenser microphone
Shure 514B Switch microphone Handheld
Shure Beta 56A Dynamic microphone
Shure Beta 57A Dynamic microphone
Shure BETA 98AMPC/X microphone
Shure BETA57 Dynamic Instrument microphone
Shure BETA58 Dynamic Vocal microphone
Shure BETA91A cardioid boundary microphone
Shure MX393/S Super Cardioid Boundary microphone
Shure SM102 Condenser microphone
Shure SM57 Dynamic Cardioid microphone
Shure SM58SE Dynamic microphone with switch
Shure SM7B Dynamic microphone
Shure SM81 LC Cardioid Condenser microphone
Shure SM91 Boundary microphone
Shure WM98 Mini Condenser Instrument microphone
Sony ECM77 miniature Omni condenser microphone
Uniden UH040XR Speaker/microphone ~RUC
Yamaha SKRM100 Sub-kick microphone