This is the full list of DI’s in our stock

AVALON                      U5                          Class A direct box                       

VALVOTRONICS        TAD                       Tube amplified Direct box                                          

BSS                             AR-116                   Direct inject box                           

BSS                             AR-133                   Direct inject box                                                               

BSS                             AR-416                   Rack mount irect inject box                                                              

BSS                             MSR-604                Agtive monitor split (4 chnl)                                                               

KLARK TEKNIK          LBB-100                DI BOX                                                            

RADIAL                       J48                         Active DI box                                                               

RADIAL                       JD6                         Passive 6 chnl DI (rack)                                                                 

RADIAL                       JDI                          Duplex mono passive DI                                                                 

RADIAL                       JDI                          Duplex STEREO passive DI                                                               

RADIAL                       Pro-RMP                Passive “reamp” reverse DI                                                               

RADIAL                       PZ-DI                      Piezo active DI                                                                 

RADIAL                       USB Pro                 USB to Audio DI                                                                

Interspace                  PC -Bal                   2 chnl PC passive DI                                                               

OPUS                        DI 1000                  DI